Texas Chef
Chile Recipes

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Huevos Rancheros (Ranch Style Eggs)

Huevos Rancheros is definitely a border ranch style dish. It is simple to make and the ingredients are simple, too, typical for ranch cooking.

Eggs, depending on how many persons are served.
Use 2 eggs per person.
Viva!!! Salsa Ranchera

If you are preparing more than four eggs you will need to double the recipe for the Ranchera Sauce. Most people like lots of sauce so prepare plenty.
Prepare the sauce per the recipe. Break the eggs into a small bowl (two per bowl) and when sauce is simmering (not boiling), ease the eggs into the sauce and "poach" the eggs in the sauce. When done to order remove eggs to a warm plate and keep warm. Repeat the process until all the eggs are cooked.
Some places serve the eggs atop a heated corn tortilla and top both eggs and tortillas with the sauce. Serve with warmed corn tortillas and hot Mexican chocolate.

© 2007 Bill Moran and © 2007 The Cooking Inn .
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