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The Cooking Inn : Sausage & Prepared Meat Terminology H Page Select an item from the list to go to it's site

Ham, Cooked (prepared meat):
Most prepared ham is steam or water cooked and therefore is generally known as "boiled ham;" cured, molded and fully cooked; sold whole or sliced and packaged.

Ham, Chopped (cooked meat specialty):
Firm loaf made of ground, chopped or cubed cured pork; ham-like in color and flavor.

Ham and Cheese Loaf (cooked meat specialty):
Loaf made of ground ham with cubes of firm cheese.

Head Cheese (cooked meat specialty):
Made from chopped, cured pork head meat in a gelatin base; attractive and colorful.

Honey Loaf (cooked meat specialty):
Meat mixture similar to franks and bologna; contains about equal parts of pork and beef. Flavorings include honey, spices and sometimes pickles and/or pimentos.

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Holsteiner Cervelat (semi-dry sausage):
Is similar to farmer cervelat, but packed in a ring-shaped style.

Hungarian Sausage (semi-dry sausage):
3 lb pork butt, boneless - cut into large pieces
1 lb beef chuck, cut into large pieces
1 lb pork fat, fresh - cut into large pieces
10 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed ( about 2 tblsp )
I cup water
2 tblsp Salt
1/2 tblsp black pepper, freshly ground
3 tblsp hungarian paprika
1 tsp saltpeter
1/4 tsp cloves, ground
1 Sausage casing, 1" diameter - 10 feet long

In a meat grinder, coarsely grind the park, beef, and park fat, in batches. Add all remaining ingredients, except the casings. Mix well and allow to sit while you clean the casings. Rinse the casings thoroughly in cold water and run fresh water through them. Drain.

Using a sausage machine, a Kitchen Aid with a sausage attachment, or a sausage funnel, fill the casings and tie them off into about 16" lengths. Do not fill them too tightly as they must have room to expand when they cook. Hang the sausages in a home style smoker and smoke them for about 1 hour. Do not allow the temperature of the smoker to go above 150 F. Remove the sausages and hang over a stick or dowel. Put the stick in a cool place and position an electric fan so that it will blow directly on the sausages. Allow them to dry for 2 days. They are then ready for use. Place them in the refrigerator, where they will keep well for about a week.

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