Babies, Infants, Toddlers

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Due to the recent crisis, I have had to think about putting sections of this area back together. And I have had to move it.

It is irresponsible for a Governmental Entity to allow a needed substance to dwindle or become tainted due to their neglect and the neglect of multiple manufacturing companies that were left to produce a product unchecked.

It is also irresponsible of the public to blindly allow an Entity of any kind to take control of any substance without providing needed and proper guidance, instructions and a backup plan in the event of an emergency.

This morning 5-23-2022 the morning news was reporting that some much needed Formula was arriving from Europe and that other Companies were being approved that weren't approved before. These Companies offer healthier Formulas than their counterparts here in the United States. This is that Monopoly that you all keep ignoring. This is why we keep getting into Trouble over Simple things. Stop letting Bad Companies, Unscrupulous Politicians and the other Greedy and Corrupt to sway our FDA and USDA, which are supposed to be making Rational Decisions, not Paid For, Paid Off, and Paid By The Highest Bidder Decisions.

When they Work for the People, the FDA and the USDA are both formidable and helpful places for the People, as they were developed to be.

Everything boils down to balance. Balance proper nutrition with your formulas. Apparently the government thinks they are above everyone, and yet the world got along fine without them for thousands of years.

How many of you are now being gouged trying to get whatever formula you can find?

Note: A quick check of Amazon and several Health Food Websites found Quantities of available Formulas, not of those main Manufacturers that let everyone down and who are obviously still Paying Everyone Off. So, it appears that even the News People Are Lying To You, (No Shock There).

There are also Breast Milk Banks in many areas. Please do a check of your region.

Do Not use honey to sweeten as it poses a risk of botulism in children under the age of one.

Substitute barley malt syrup for karo syrup or sugar.

Evaporated Milk Baby Formula Substitute

This recipe is for traditional emergency formula (just like Grandma used to make). One standard-sized 13-ounce can of evaporated milk can make a full quart of emergency formula. The process is simple, fast, and best of all does not compromise your child's health. As Dr. Andrew J. Schuman writes in his article, A Concise History of Infant Formula, this is the exact recipe that was widely used in the 1950s and 1960s for infants who were not breastfed. Please remember, though, that this homemade formula is not a long-term solution since it lacks the necessary vitamins. Parents in the 50s and 60s gave their infants supplemental vitamins and iron along with this formula, as noted by Dr. Schuman. Supplies Needed

Clean quart container
13 oz. can of evaporated whole milk (reduced fat, skim, and sweetened condensed milk will not provide enough calories or nutrition)
18–19 oz. of water
2 tablespoons of white granulated sugar or 1 tablespoon of light Karo syrup.

Substitute barley malt syrup for karo syrup or sugar.

Coconut Milk Baby Formula

2 cup Full Fat Coconut Milk
1/2 cup Coconut Water
1 tblsp Collagen Hydrosylate
3 oz Water
1/4 tsp Unflavored Cod Liver Oil
1/4 tsp Nutritional Yeast
2 capsules Desiccated Liver
4 tblsp Maple Syrup
1/4 tsp Bifidobacterium Infantis
1 tblsp Grass Fed Butter, melted

Combine all ingredients in high speed blender and blend for two minutes.
Store in fridge up to three days.

Meat-Based Formula

3 3/4 cups homemade organic beef or chicken stock.

2 oz. organic liver, cut into small pieces
5 tblsp Lactose
1 tsp bifodobacterium infantis ((Natren Life Start Infantis)
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey
1 tblsp organic, unrefined coconut oil
1 tsp high quality (tested for heavy metals and impurities), preferably fermented cod liver oil. (Nourishing Traditions recommends Green Pastures Fermented Cod Liver Oil)
1 tsp unrefined sunflower oil
2 tsp extra virgin organic olive oil
1/4 tsp Acerola Powder

To prepare, simmer liver gently in broth until the meat is cooked through. Then use a blender to liquefy. When the broth has cooled, stir in the remaining ingredients. Store in a very clean glass or stainless steel container. To serve, stir formula well. Pour the amount you want in a glass bottle and set it in a pan of simmering water until formula is warm but not hot to the touch. Shake well and then test by squeezing a small drop onto your inner wrist. (Don't heat your formula in any kind of plastic. And don't use the microwave.) Note: the above recipe includes lots of other information in the Nourishing Traditions cookbook about the importance of each item, including the coconut oil which is the only source of antimicrobial saturated fatty acids.
For a more traditional infant formula recipe that is not dairy-free and is tried and tested by Weston A Price visit this page.

Kelly's Yummy Cow-Free Milk Recipe For Older Kids

Dairy-Free Milk Substitute

This is not laboratory tested but it is designed to meet the standards for most nutrients (except Vitamin C) according to the National Infant Formula Act.

14 oz. calcium-fortified rice or almond milk (My warning is that finding these milks Without the most dangerous food additives, especially carrageenan, is difficult and essential.)
2 oz. unsweetened coconut milk the high fat kind not coconut water. (Kelly recommends getting it from the can, but beware as this will also be high in BPA) . I recommend making your own. Its easy: see how.
One scoop of Metagenics - Ultracare for Kids which is a predigested rice protein based drink mix developed for kids with allergies).

You can mix the above and heat to use as instructed in the recipe above. Info by Kelly Dorfman.

Coconut Water

Break open the coconut and then with the help of a utensil or tool, like a knife, you need to carefully bring out the white part of the coconut.
Take a blender and pour filtered water and the pulp coconut into it.
Now blend it thoroughly.
Strain the pulp out or leave it in for a milkier texture. For more flavor, add more or leave in the coconut pulps.

Highly Nutritious Homemade Baby Formula

Prep: 10-15 min. Makes: 36 ounces.

1 7/8 cup of filtered water
2 tsp grass-fed beef gelatin
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey (See VERY simple recipe for whey, below and see a visual of this in the video above at 5:25) Note: Do NOT use powdered whey or cheese whey (which will cause the formula to curdle). Use only homemade whey made from plain unsweetened yogurt or kefir.
4 tblsp lactose (from sweet or sour whey supports beneficial acidophilus bacteria)(critical to the nervous system)
2 cups raw whole, grass-fed milk (find good local quality milk:
2 or more Tablespoons organic heavy cream (or reconstituted organic heavy cream powder only if you cant find organic heavy cream)
1/4 tsp acerola powder
1/4 tsp of infant probiotics
2 tsp nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 tsp of cod liver oil 1 tsp expeller pressed sunflower oil
1 tsp the best extra virgin olive oil you can find
2 tsp coconut oil
(optional) 1/4 teaspoon high-vitamin butter oil

Take 2 cups of filtered water pour about half the water into a pan and turn heat on medium.
Add 2 teaspoons of gelatin and 4 tablespoons lactose to the warming water and let dissolve, stirring occasionally.
While the gelatin and lactose are dissolving, place 2 cups of raw whole milk in a clean, glass blender and add the remaining ingredients:
2 or more tblsps cream
1/4 tsp acerola powder (whole food vitamin C)
1/4 tsp of bifidobacterium infantis
2 tsp nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 tsp of cod liver oil
1 tsp expeller pressed sunflower oil
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil

Then remove the pan from the heat and pour in the remaining half of the water to cool.
Next, add 2 teaspoons coconut oil and (optional) 1/4 teaspoon butter oil to the water to melt.
Add the water mixture to the blender ingredients and blend for about 3 seconds.
Pour the blended ingredients into glass jars and refrigerate.

Homemade Whey

Homemade whey is easy to make from good quality plain yogurt, or from raw or cultured milk. You will need a large strainer that rests over a bowl. It makes about 5 cups. If you are using yogurt, place 2 quarts in a strainer lined with a tea towel set over a bowl. Cover with a plate and leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl. Place whey in clean glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

It freezes well, so you can make it in batches. Never us a microwave to thaw or warm.
You can purchase this whole package at a discounted rate through Radiant Life here.
If using raw cow milk from Holstein cows, raw goats milk or camels milk, use 4 Tablespoons of extra cream (otherwise use 2 Tablespoons extra cream) as they are lower in cream than cow milk.
For sources of good quality milk, see

How to Transition to DIY Formula

It is important not to switch all at once as this can cause gas, excessive spit-up, or an uncomfortable change in diaper habits such as constipation or overly loose stools. If possible, start by giving your baby three-quarters of the old formula blended with one-quarter of the homemade. Try this ratio for a day or two and see how your infant responds.

If no digestive upset or major change in diaper habits occurs, increase the amount to a 50-50 blend of old formula to homemade. Observe for another day or two as before. If no major issues, increase once again to three-quarters homemade formula to one-quarter old formula. If baby does well on this blend for a third time, you are ready to fully transition to the homemade formula.

At any time during the transition, symptoms of intolerance emerge, back up to the previous successful blend ratio and stay there for a day or two before attempting to increase once again.

Raw Milk Baby Formula

Makes 36 ounces
Our milk-based formula takes account of the fact that human milk is richer in whey, lactose, vitamin C, niacin, and long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to cows milk but leaner in casein (milk protein). The addition of gelatin to cows milk formula will make it more digestible for the infant. Use only truly expeller-expressed oils in the formula recipes, otherwise they may lack vitamin E.

The ideal milk for baby, if he cannot be breastfed, is clean, whole raw milk from old-fashioned cows, certified free of disease, that feed on green pasture. For sources of good quality milk, see or contact a local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation.

If the only choice available to you is commercial milk, choose whole milk, preferably organic and unhomogenized, and culture it with a piima or kefir culture to restore enzymes (available from places like Cultures For Health).

2 cups whole raw cows milk, preferably from pasture-fed cows
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey (See recipe for whey, below) Note: Do Not use powdered whey or whey from making cheese (which will cause the formula to curdle). Use only homemade whey made from yoghurt, kefir or separated raw milk.
4 tblsp lactose
1/4 tsp bifidobacterium infantis
2 or more tblsp good quality cream (preferably not ultra pasteurized), more if you are using milk from Holstein cows
1/2 tsp unflavored high-vitamin or high-vitamin fermented cod liver oil or 1 teaspoon regular cod liver oil
1/4 tsp high-vitamin butter oil (optional)
1 tsp expeller-pressed sunflower oil *
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp coconut oil
2 tsp Frontier brand nutritional yeast flakes
2 tsp gelatin
1-7/8 cups filtered water
1/4 tsp acerola powder

Note: It is recommended that you use only high quality brands of cod liver oil.

Put 2 cups filtered water into a pyrex measuring pitcher and remove 2 tablespoons (that will give you 1-7/8 cups water).
Pour about half of the water into a pan and place on a medium flame.
Add the gelatin and lactose to the pan and let dissolve, stirring occasionally.
When the gelatin and lactose are dissolved, remove from heat and add the remaining water to cool the mixture.
Stir in the coconut oil and optional high-vitamin butter oil and stir until melted.
Meanwhile, place remaining ingredients into a blender.
Add the water mixture and blend about three seconds.
Place in glass bottles or a glass jar and refrigerate.
Before giving to baby, warm bottles by placing in hot water or a bottle warmer. Never warm bottles in a microwave oven.

Variation: Goat Milk Formula
Although goat milk is rich in fat, it must be used with caution in infant feeding as it lacks folic acid and is low in vitamin B12, both of which are essential to the growth and development of the infant. Inclusion of nutritional yeast to provide folic acid is essential. To compensate for low levels of vitamin B12, if preparing the Milk-Based Formula (above) with goat's milk, add 2 teaspoons organic raw chicken liver, frozen for 14 days, finely grated to the batch of formula (or, 1/4 teaspoon desiccated liver per batch). Be sure to begin egg-yolk feeding at four months.

* Expeller-pressed is a method to make sunflower oil, which means sunflower oil is squeezed out of sunflower seeds only through physical extrusion method, and then remove some impurities, etc. Such method prevents high temperatures from damaging the nutrients in sunflower oil and retains more nutrients in sunflower oil.

Liver-Based Formula

Our liver-based formula also mimics the nutrient profile of mothers milk. It is extremely important to include coconut oil in this formula as it is the only ingredient that provides the special medium-chain saturated fats found in mothers milk. As with the milk-based formula, all oils should be truly expeller-expressed.

3-3/4 cups homemade beef or chicken broth
2 ounces organic liver, cut into small pieces
5 tblsp lactose
1/4 tsp bifidobacterium infantis
1/4 cup homemade liquid whey (See recipe for whey, below)
1 tblsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp unflavored high-vitamin or high-vitamin fermented cod liver oil or 1 teaspoon regular cod liver oil
1 tsp unrefined sunflower oil
2 tsp extra virgin olive oil
1/4 tsp acerola powder

Use only recommended brands of cod liver oil.

Simmer liver gently in broth until the meat is cooked through.
Liquefy using a handheld blender or in a food processor.
When the liver broth has cooled, stir in remaining ingredients.
Store in a very clean glass or stainless steel container.
To serve, stir formula well and pour 6 to 8 ounces in a very clean glass bottle.
Attach a clean nipple and set in a pan of simmering water until formula is warm but not hot to the touch, shake well and feed to baby. (Never heat formula in a microwave oven!)
Makes about 36 ounces

Egg Yolk for Baby

Egg yolk should be baby's first solid food, starting at 4 months, whether baby is breastfed or formula-fed. Egg yolks from pastured hens will contain the special long-chain fatty acids so critical for the optimal development of the brain and nervous system. The whites may cause an allergic reaction and should not be given to baby until he is at least one year old.

1 organic egg from a pasture-fed hen
1/2 teaspoon grated raw organic liver, frozen for 14 days Note: It is Very important that the liver be frozen for 14 days before using.

Boil egg for 3 1/2 minutes.
Place in a bowl and peel off shell.
Remove egg white and discard.
Yolk should be soft and warm, not hot, with its enzyme content intact.
If you wish to add liver, grate on the small holes of a grater while frozen. Allow to warm up and stir into egg yolk.

Homemade Whey

About 5 cups
Homemade whey is easy to make from good quality plain yoghurt, or from raw or cultured milk. You will need a large strainer that rests over a bowl.
If you are using yoghurt, place 2 quarts in the strainer lined with a tea towel. Cover with a plate and leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl. Place whey in clean glass jars and store in the refrigerator.
If you are using raw or cultured milk, place 2 quarts of the milk in a glass container and leave at room temperature for 2-4 days until the milk separates into curds and whey. Pour into the strainer lined with a tea towel and cover with a plate. Leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl. Store in clean glass jars in the refrigerator.
Recipe From: Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD.

Breast Milk and Homemade Formula Nutrient Comparison Chart

Based on 36 ounces.

These nutrient comparison tables were derived from standard food nutrient tables and do not take into account the wide variation in nutrient levels that can occur in both human and animal milk, depending on diet and environment.

Breast Milk
Cows Milk
Formula Goat Milk
Formula Liver-Based
Calories 766 856 890 682
Protein 11.3g 18g 18g 15g
Carbohydrates 76g 79g 77g 69g
Total Fat 48g 52g 54g 36g
Saturated Fat 22g 28g 30g 16g
Mono Fat 18g 16g 16g 12g
Poly Fat 5.5g 5.6g 5.7g 5.6g
Omega-3 FA .58g 1.3g 1.2g 1.0g
Omega-6 FA 4.4g 4.2g 4.4g 4.5g
Cholesterol 153mg 137mg 166mg 227mg
Vitamin A* 946IU 5000IU 5000IU 20,000IU
Thiamin-B1 .15mg 1.05mg 1.1mg .19mg
Riboflavin-B2 .4mg 1.2mg 1.2mg 1.9mg
Niacin-B3 1.9mg 2.5mg 4.4mg 14.2mg
Vitamin B6 .12mg .51mg .60mg .65mg
Vitamin B12 .5mcg 1.9mcg 2.8mcg 39mcg
Folate 57mcg 236mcg 284mcg 159mcg
Vitamin C 55mg 57mg 59mg 62mg
Vitamin D 480IU 450IU 525IU 460IU
Vitamin E*** 9.9mg 6.2mg 4.7mg 4.9mg
Calcium 355mg 532mg 548mg NA**
Copper .57mg .38mg .58mg 1.9mg
Iron .33mg 1.4mg 2.2mg 5.4mg
Magnesium 37.4mg 91.3mg 96.1mg 34.5mg
Manganese .29mg .034mg .12mg .24mg
Phosphorus 151mg 616mg 729mg 344mg
Potassium 560mg 949mg 1228mg 750mg
Selenium 18.8mcg 15.4mcg 18.7mcg 31.1mcg
Sodium 186mg 308mg 320mg NA**
Zinc 1.9mg 2.8mg 2.7mg 2.5mg

* Vitamin A levels in human milk will depend on the diet of the mother. Nursing mothers eating vitamin A-rich foods such as cod liver oil will have much higher levels of vitamin A in their milk. Commercial formulas contain about 2400 IU vitamin A per 800 calories.

** Calcium and sodium values for homemade broth are not available.

*** Vitamin E values are derived from commercial vegetable oils. The vitamin E levels for homemade formulas will be higher if good quality, expeller-expressed oils are used.

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